Wednesday, September 19, 2012



            The idea of not being able to use a computer for 3 weeks just baffles my mind. However, that is what three college students settled on doing. There was to be no email reading, no Facebook using, or video watching. The students from this project came to realize some valuable life lessons. Everyday technology may be a sometimes wasteful and effective way to go about life. Three ideas that these college students discovered were the advantages of more free time, more face-to-face interaction, and the appreciation towards modern technology.

            Initially, people go on to social media cites, email accounts, and computer games for additional relaxation. Unfortunately, these students and a majority of everyday people excessively use these entities as a way to fill up time with useless stalking, message sending, and gaming. At the end of the experiment, the students realized how much more time they had to do things like laundry, hanging out with friends, or going to a park.

            Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with old friends and family. Nevertheless, it takes away from face-to-face interactions. Some of the students tried to combat these ways by setting up a Facebook face-to-face interaction. This involved students coming to one room to talk to one another. Though multiple students did succeed in arriving, most students did not attend. They were probably too busy on their Facebook cite.

            In the end, the students were fully aware of the gratitude they had towards modern technology. The first week of no computer was bearable. As soon as it reached the third week, the students could not handle the extra effort to not use a computer. Personally, I think this was a good experiment to show people how much we depend on our modern conveniences.

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